  • Branding
  • Development
  • Web Design
Putting small pharmaceutical on the map

DoseRx was founded by a successful multi-pharmacy owner who wanted to provide a platform for users to find their prescriptions online at the lowest possible prices from their local independent pharmacies. They wanted the space to also act as a platform for other independent pharmacies to feature their businesses and garner support from the community. They came to us with a name and an idea, and wanted us to expand their brand to reach their growing consumer base.

  • Challenge

    To expand and establish the brand and create a platform that would serve two uniquely different challenges while creating a modern, human-centered online presence.

  • Solution

    To create an intuitive search function for ease-of-use along with the implementation of color-rich custom illustrations, patterns and relatable language for both goals.

  • Results

    A new brand penetrating the marketplace and a robust search platform built for patients to find prescriptions at a fraction of the cost and pharmacies to easily sign-up to participate.

Extending The Brand

We wanted to focus heavily on implementing elements throughout that would bring warmth and cheerfulness to the brand while still allowing for a professional look-feel to come through to instill confidence in the brand.


We created a custom pattern, illustrations and bright colors that when paired together, created a unique and lighthearted style that was carried throughout.

DoseRX Patterns

Dynamic Patterns

DoseRX Colors

Bright Colors

DoseRX Icon

Custom Illustrations

Design & Development

The design focused on a minimal, modern UX that would allow easy action by a potential patient looking for a prescription. Pops of color, use of shapes and scalability were critical to the deployment of a successful project. The site was built with WordPress, giving DoseRx ease of content management while still providing a platform to grow on.

LLT Group Laptop
searchable drugs with prescription available

Building a database that could handle scalability was key as well. While the number of pharmacies and drugs with prescriptions available might start out small, we built the platform with size in mind. To date there are 694 drugs available to search that have active prescriptions.

DoseRX Map
Geolocation: 5 Nearest Locations

Being able to search with speed and ease and receive relevant results was the single most important feature in order to provide utility to users.

Utilizing Google Maps API, applying a custom map design and applying speed testing the site search searches through thousands of entries within seconds and outputs the most relevant.

DoseRX Medicine Icon
Doserx Homepage
Custom Illustrations

Our challenge with the illustrations was to play with color and the custom pattern to create a balance in each one that felt intentional. We utilized shades of the four brand colors, as well as our line pattern to create shadows and contrast within each icon.

The general rule for the illustrations was to use at least two of the brand colors. In the illustrations with smaller, more detailed areas we would add in a third or a fourth for added visual interest.

DoseRX Calendar Icon
DoseRX Healing Hand Icon
DoseRX Car Icon
DoseRX Medicine Bowl Icon
Pills Icon
DoseRX Ambulance Icon
DoseRX Calendar Icon
DoseRX Healing Hand Icon
DoseRX Car Icon
DoseRX Medicine Bowl Icon
DoseRX Pills Icon
Ambulance Icon Outline

The Diagnosis

The result is a recognizable brand and a clean and scalable interface that helps to establish a new competitive landscape in the prescription drug market.

Doserx Pills
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