GRP Media
  • Development
  • Web Design
Positioning an influential media agency for a radiant future

GRP Media is an influential media planning and buying agency with 150+ million in billings annually. They came to us to help showcase their approach, their culture and their service within a new website design.

  • Challenge

    To provide information about their service offerings in a web format in order to grow their brand presence and create an image that matches the youthfulness of their company.

  • Solution

    To use bold typography, bright colors, and geometric shapes in a minimal but impactful way to extend their brand beyond their office artwork.

  • Results

    A trendy design that attracts new potential customers by way of pairing information with colors, shapes and imagery.

Extending The Brand

With big ideas and a talented team, GRP Media came to us wanting to take a few of their office artwork elements and expand that into a full web presence. We were able to develop a minimal yet bold brand strategy that extended their brand beyond the few elements they had to begin with.

GRPMedia Logo

With the use of geometric shapes, impactful typography treatments, and consistent brand colors we were able to establish strong supporting elements that allowed us to create unique charts and interactive elements.

GRP Media Shapes

Bold Bright Shapes

GRP Media Colors

Consistent Brand Colors

GRP Media Type Treatment

Impactful Type Treatment

Design & Development

With such a strong advertising base the site needed to take the creativity that GRP Media exercised each and every day for clients into the web-facing front. Our goal was to convert information to imagery, or more simply data visualization. Through the use of an amazing color palette, shape and contrasting elements on the web pages we were able to arrive at the end goal.

LLT Group Laptop
GRP Media Homepage
in billings

Representing clients and their testimonials about GRP Media was a primary focus as it looks to feed into the sales proposition for new prospective clients landing on the site. To properly design and develop these sections in, we utilized lightboxes, logos and data visualization.

GRP Media Custom Stats
Custom Statistics

GRP Media sets itself apart from competitors in ways such as consumer retention, customer satisfaction, media allocations and more. In order to orchestrate those benefits, we choose to best illustrate this through data visualizations (charts and custom graphic illustrations).

GRP Media Perspective Slider
perspective slider

With so many questions to be answered about GRP Media and why they are the right fit for a potential client, we designed and developed a compact way to house all the information in a single view. We created a perspective slider with tab functionality at the top that allowed the visitor to quickly see information on one data point knowing there was more than just that to take in.

GRP Media Team Page
Interactive Team Page

The driving force behind why GRP Media was so effective for clients was the team that had been established. We wanted to highlight that in depth with custom photography and unique bios. Add in a little design flare to toggle between the different people and we had a recipe for success.

Great Results Provided

The result is a web-based brand extension of the creativity and professionalism that GRP offers their clients every time.

GRP Media Anchor
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