With such a rich history, portfolio of high profile clients and value-adding content pieces to display we looked to ensure that each one was custom designed for that page’s purpose.
Rightway Signs is a sign company that creates amazing custom hand painted murals, signs and lettering for companies such as Goose Island, Braintree, the Chicago Cubs, Blackhawks and many more. They came to us for a website re-design in order to help match their digital image with that of which they were producing every day for clients.
To create a new website direction that allowed them to showcase their work and communicate their services without detracting from the quality of their work.
With a heavy emphasis on typography and the use of strong photography and unique videography we were able to create a modern, clean website that aligned with their brand.
A visual showcase online to highlight the history, culture and amazing custom signage that the company puts out for clients.
Being an established brand and performing work over the last 46 years, we took careful consideration in putting together a strategic branding plan that addressed who Rightway Signs was and where they needed to go online. Before heading into digital design we developed a comprehensive Research & Discovery document to set the foundation.
Having such a creative client allowed us the ability to really flex our creative muscles and push the limits when it came to looking at type, color, imagery and inspiration analysis.
The comprehensive research and discovery document produced touch points on:
With such an impressive rolodex of clients to go off of, our goal was to use the website to highlight the imagery helping those looking to act. From portfolio sections and case studies to help convince potential clients to choose Rightway Signs, to upload resources and request a quote areas; we looked to maintain a visually attractive site while still leveraging potential site content and SEO structure.
Not every company has a story to tell, but Rightway Signs does. From the founding of the company all the way to the present day, we looked to focus on their customer service, satisfaction and adherence to details and intertwining that throughout the subtle pages’ designs.
With such a rich history, portfolio of high profile clients and value-adding content pieces to display we looked to ensure that each one was custom designed for that page’s purpose.
With over 75 different portfolio clients and dozens of different sign types, filtering down the works of art was imperative. We created multi-level filtering with an interactive UX ability so that visitors could easily get down to the showcases of work that fit their build.
The result is a digital extension that helps to showcase the talented work and service that Rightway Signs has been offering for the last 46 years.