Digital Strategy: Not a One Size Fits All Solution
February 24, 2020Rahul Wahi

Customizing digital strategy to the business strategy is one of the single largest ways in which we have found businesses can more easily achieve success and align their expectations while doing so. In an ever evolving world where it’s “easier” to get things done, it has become almost necessary for businesses to truly find solutions that fit their KPIs while not breaking the bank.
The difficulty is solely in the fact that by design, the art of customizing digital solutions for companies leaves a re-invented wheel feeling. At LLT we have worked to embrace the ability to provide custom solutions while fighting to make them as efficient as possible.
Tony: Yeah. And I think a huge component is, it’s not one-size-fits-all, right? And the hard work is in trying to tailor and customize and learn about the client, because you’ve got business strategy, and digital strategy is a subcomponent of that, but you have to then understand the business side. The vision, the mission, the goals, and a lot of times, the lack of that, to piece that, to make sure that’s cohesive, and then to link and go about, well, here’s how digital strategy is becoming an action item. Here’s what you’re going to enact upon, in order to not only fulfill digital strategy, and those KPIs, but the goals above that as a brand.
Rahul: You know, absolutely, and just to kind of echo that point is, the clients that we work with have an amazing business strategy. These are companies that have just grown tremendously, and have been around for a decade to a quarter century and plus. And the one thing they really have done well is, stuck to their core and continued to be agile to the economies estate that they’ve been able to kind of almost reflect on. Today when you go into the digital strategy, it has to be just as smart. And actually a component that works in parallel with the business strategy. And I think, sometimes, that’s where we come in. And we say, understand the learnings, and let’s bolt on this digital strategy that, at the end of the day, is going to be just as optimized, and it’s even going to help me be, essentially, in the times of today where everything is going very much digital, help kind of pull that business strategy a little bit faster, than what they’ve done over the last decade, or quarter-century. And that’s really our goal to come in, you know. It’s a very easy question, you know? You know, you have a $50 million dollar company, that has, you know, a hundred thousand dollar budget for a digital strategy, and there’s a big disconnect, you know? And that’s where, a lot of times, when we’re sitting in these onboardings, we’re like, “Well, how did you get to that number? Let us understand what. And what are you expecting? The output?” “Well, we think this is going to grow us three to five percent.” And then we do the math, and calculations, because we don’t come from, we come more from a business background of running, you know, companies, versus a web dev shop. That’s when, I think, things really start to synergize for us and they understand the synthetic that we’re building, and we’re able to kind of build this mesh together.
Tony: Yeah. A lot of times, it’s us understand as much about the traditional traps that business strategy might fall into. Exactly like you’re saying. That client might be doing what’s called a “peanut butter strategy,” which is where they spread resources equally because, again, they want to make sure, “Oh, we’re investing in these ten areas.” But the reality is, investing in those ten areas equally might cannibalize other areas of revenue. So it’s working, it’s working with emotions, different dynamics, team members, to get to that.
Rahul: Yeah, absolutely.